对于新的电子商务创业者来说,在没有库存的情况下进行网上销售似乎令人生畏。但是,有多种商业模式可以让您在 Shopify 上经营网店,而无需库存自己的产品。
- 预购大批量产品
- 将这些产品储存在仓库或其他设施中
- 管理库存,并在客户下订单后将库存运送给客户
问得好!最酷的是,您可以在 Shopify 上开设一家电子商务商店,而无需自己购买和持有任何库存。
这种商业模式被称为 "代销"(dropshipping)。它是这样运作的:
您在自己的 Shopify 在线商店中创建和列出待售产品。当客户下订单时,您只需从第三方供应商处购买商品,而无需从自己的仓库发货。
Shopify 可让您轻松建立代销业务。有一些像 Oberlo 这样的应用程序,可以让你从 AliExpress 等供应商那里导入和列出产品。
那么,让我们来看看 Shopify dropshipping (无库存)。在进行 Shopify 代客发货之前,您可能有兴趣了解更多有关 Shopify 代客发货合法性的信息?请查看本指南:
不需要库存 在 Shopify 上销售产品。该平台支持各种无库存电子商务模式,包括
通过代销,您可以从第三方供应商那里销售产品,由他们负责订单执行。您可以浏览他们的目录,将产品列表导入您的 Shopify 商店,并设定自己的定价。
按需印刷适用于定制产品,如T恤衫、马克杯、手机壳和艺术印刷品。您可以设计产品并上传到您的 Shopify 商店。只有在客户下订单后,按需印刷供应商才会生产这些产品。
POD 有助于最大限度地减少库存浪费,因为你只生产客户要求的产品。供应商将您的设计印制到产品上,然后为您包装和发送订单。
白色标签 即从供应商处批发购买成品,然后以自己的品牌进行转售。供应商负责处理库存、履约和运输,而你则可以控制品牌和营销。
在 Shopify 上运营,无需持有库存,这为新创业者提供了多项优势:
在不购买库存的情况下开展业务,意味着您可以避免这些重大的前期支出。有了 代销、POD 和白色标签您可以立即开始销售产品,无需大量投资。
如果不持有库存,就可以避免以下支出 仓库租金、仓储费、库存管理系统您的每月管理费用更低。您每月的管理费用更低。
过剩的库存无法售出会导致资金浪费。通过只在客户订购时才销售产品,您就可以避免陷入以下风险 过时、滞销或过期库存。
现在,让我们来探讨一下以下最常用的技术 在不持有任何库存的情况下在 Shopify 上销售.
配送 为资金有限的创业者提供了进入电子商务的便捷途径。在这种模式下,你从批发商那里销售产品,批发商负责订单履行和发货。
- 创建您的 Shopify 商店
- 选择要销售的产品
- 营销店铺以吸引顾客
- 处理订单和付款
- 提供客户服务
以下是使用 Shopify 代购完成订单的典型步骤:
- 浏览供应商库存.您的代购商会提供他们的批发产品目录供您查看。浏览他们的选择,为您的目标受众找到有吸引力的产品。
- 进口产品.使用代发货应用程序或手动输入数据,将所需产品添加到您的 Shopify 商店。上传图片、描述、变体、价格等。
- 营销您的商店.使用广告、搜索引擎优化、社交媒体、电子邮件营销和其他策略,跨渠道推广您的商店和产品。
- 接收客户订单.当客户在您的 Shopify 商店购买产品时,订单会记录在 "订单 "部分。
- 远期订单.对于每个已完成的订单,将所需信息(如送货地址)提交给您的代购商,以便他们完成订单。
- 供应商发货.供应商对产品进行包装,然后直接从仓库发货给客户。
- 您获得报酬.当客户提交订单时,Shopify 会处理客户的付款。之后再向供应商付款。
成功使用Shopify Dropshipping的技巧
请遵循以下建议,以最大限度地提高您在 Shopify 代购业务中取得成功的机会:
- 寻找可靠的供应商.彻底审查供应商,并在销售前订购样品以检查产品质量。
- 重点关注快速发货的商品。 从中国发货或耗时超过 2 周的产品会导致很高的放弃率。
- 避免过于拥挤的壁龛。 考虑狭窄的利基市场和独特的产品,以便从竞争对手中脱颖而出。
- 提供出色的客户支持。 建立长期关系可带来重复购买和积极的口碑。
- 自动转发订单.像 Oberlo 这样的应用程序只需点击一下,就能自动将新订单发送给您首选的供应商。
- 保持订单集中执行.尽可能使用单一供应商,以确保包装、品牌、运输时间等方面的一致性。
- 监控库存。 偶尔缺货在所难免。请及时清除缺货物品,以避免出现问题。
顶级 Shopify 代发货供应商
- 阿里巴巴 - 来自中国供应商的 1 亿多种经济实惠的产品,可批量订购。
- 萨利胡 - 经过审核的供应商目录,用户社区可共享信息。
- 多巴 - 总部位于美国,拥有 200 多万种各类产品的目录。
- 插口 - 精选美国和欧盟供应商发货的产品。
- 模式催化剂 - 专注于从美国和英国仓库快速发货。
更深入地了解 顶级 Shopify 代发货供应商 以及如何选择最适合您业务的软件,请查看 shopify 详细指南。
使用 Shopify 按需印刷
按需印刷(POD)是另一种通过 Shopify 销售产品而无需库存的流行方法。
在建立 POD Shopify 商店时,您需要找到合适的印刷供应商,并使用 POD 应用程序将他们的目录整合到您的商店中。
执行 POD 订单包括以下步骤:
- 创建设计.使用平面设计技能或 Canva 等工具设计自定义图样并上传图像文件。
- 为您的商店添加产品.选择产品类型,如 T 恤、马克杯等。使用 POD 应用程序上传设计和模型。
- 客户下订单.当有人从您的商店购买商品时,订单信息就会同步到您的打印提供商。
- 印刷提供商履行订单.他们将图样打印到所选产品上,进行包装,然后直接发货给客户。
- 您获得报酬.Shopify 会将订单收入减去供应商收取的印刷/发货费用后的余额支付给您。
POD 根据订单自动执行 - 您只生产客户已付款的产品。不会有滞销商品的风险。
开设按需印刷 Shopify 商店的技巧
- 谨慎选择产品类型.考虑利润率以及供应商可能对图样、颜色、位置等设置的限制。
- 创建高质量的设计.如有必要,请聘请专业平面设计师,制作出吸引人的艺术品,让人们愿意购买。
- 选择正确的打印提供商.仔细审查潜在的合作伙伴,并订购样品以验证质量。
- 正确配置 POD 应用程序.请花时间彻底设置您的应用程序,并提供准确的定价和产品信息,以避免出现问题。
- 自动转发订单.Printify 等应用程序可以自动将新订单同步到您的供应商,以便快速完成订单。
- 提供模型.使用模拟生成器工具,在您的商店中展示极具吸引力的产品。
- 积极开拓市场。 POD 产品的利润率较低,因此必须大力开展营销,以提高销售量。利用社交媒体和有影响力的人。
您可以阅读我们对顶级 Shopify POD 应用程序的比较。 Shopify vs Printify.
Shopify 上的白标代销
- 营养补充剂
- 化妆品
- 珠宝
- 宠物用品
- 产品包装设计
- 插入说明
- 定制标签
- 寻找在主要市场上不常见的小众产品,避免直接进行价格比较。
- 协商较低的 MOQ(最低订购量),以便在过度投资前测试产品需求。
- 向供应商订购样品,以便在同意大订单之前检查产品质量。
- 与供应商合作,制作精美独特的包装,强化品牌形象。
- 重点营销产品优势和品牌故事,而不是产品本身。
- 确保您的供应商能够随着客户群的扩大而处理订单量的增加。
使用 Shopify 的多层次营销公司
- 您注册成为一个 传销公司 并访问其产品目录。
- 传销组织会寄送一套入门级产品样品,以便您向潜在客户演示。
- 你可以向朋友、家人、社交媒体粉丝等推销这个机会,让他们注册成为你的分销商。
- 当新会员下批发订单时,传销会直接向他们发货。
- 您可以根据新成员的销售量赚取佣金。
传销和 Shopify 的成功秘诀
- 选择一家有您个人乐意推荐的产品的传销组织。
- 创建一个 Shopify 商店,向新人销售入门套件或产品捆绑包。
- 利用社交媒体寻找潜在客户,分享产品评论和生活方式内容。
- 注重建立人际关系,帮助新聘人员取得成功,而不是咄咄逼人的推销。
- 为新分销商提供营销资料、培训和支持。
- 在宣传收入潜力时保持道德和诚实。强调所需的努力。
在 Shopify 上销售服务
通过 Shopify 销售服务提供了另一种没有实体库存的网上创业选择。
人们通过 Shopify 提供的热门服务包括
- 平面设计
- 网络开发
- 视频制作
- 簿记
- 健身教练
- 音乐课
在您的 Shopify 商店中,将您的服务设置为有形产品。例如,创建 30 分钟咨询 "产品"、按长度分类的视频编辑项目、社交媒体文章套餐等。
通过 Shopify 销售服务的技巧
在使用 Shopify 经营服务型电子商务时,请遵循以下建议:
- 明确定义每项可交付的服务,让客户知道他们会得到什么。
- 对咨询和服务请求反应迅速,提供一流的客户服务。
- 低于承诺,超额完成。不失时机地超越客户期望。
- 请客户留下评论和推荐,您可以在店铺中展示这些评论和推荐。
- 专注于某一细分领域而非一般服务,以便在自由职业市场中脱颖而出。
- 考虑为客户经常要求的热门服务组合提供打包优惠。
- 随着客户需求的增长,增聘服务提供商,避免超负荷工作。
使用 Shopify 销售服务可以快速高效地扩大规模。您可以预订和跟踪订单、 使客户 登录预约、提供套餐和订阅,并自动执行重复性任务。
在 Shopify 上建立会员网站
提供会员服务是 Shopify 无缝支持的另一种无库存电子商务模式。
通过 Shopify 上的会员制网站,客户只需支付一定的费用,就可以访问有限制的优质内容。这些内容提供了持续的价值,吸引会员月复一月地续费。
These provide members access to an in-person service on an ongoing basis. Examples include gym memberships, golf/country club memberships, coworking spaces, etc.
Some memberships combine digital content access with real-world perks. For instance, an online fitness program could provide workout videos, nutrition plans, plus discounted access to in-person training sessions.
SaaS 会员资格
SaaS companies use memberships to provide access to their software applications. Members gain access to premium software features and continual updates.
Follow these tips when creating a membership site on Shopify:
- Provide premium content that’s highly useful for members and not readily available elsewhere.
- Release new content frequently to encourage members to stay active and renew continually.
- Make cancellation straightforward while touting membership benefits in reminder emails.
- Offer multiple membership tiers. Upsell members to higher tiers offering more value.
- Use membership management apps like MemberPress or Recurring Orders for Shopify to handle renewals, content dripping, etc.
- Gate some content to encourage non-members to sign up for access.
- Leverage discounts and exclusive offers to incentivize membership signup.
Memberships are a scalable way to earn reliable recurring revenue. By continually expanding your content library, community, and available member benefits, you can retain and grow your subscriber base month after month.
While dropshipping, print-on-demand, and similar models cover the most popular ways to sell inventory-free on Shopify, you have a few additional options as well.
With affiliate marketing, you earn commissions by promoting and selling other companies’ products. For instance, you could build a Shopify store focused on reviewing and curating the best golf products across major brands.
When site visitors click your links and make purchases, you earn an affiliate commission on those sales. The companies handle product fulfillment while you focus on content and marketing.
If you hold licensing rights to products featuring popular characters, brands, movies, etc., you can design licensed products like t-shirts, toys, homewares, and other merchandise featuring that intellectual property.
You sell those products on Shopify without holding any inventory. The license holder handles manufacturing products on-demand as you make sales. Customers recognize the characters and buy based on that emotional attachment vs. your own branding.
Selling used or vintage products you source locally on Shopify provides another inventory-free option. For instance, you could visit garage sales on weekends, curate interesting vintage decor or clothing finds, then resell those items through your online store.
The limited quantities and uniqueness of these items helps fetch higher prices. You fulfill orders yourself by packing and shipping items as they’re purchased on your Shopify store.
With pre-orders, you sell products before officially launching them based on mockups, interest lists, and traction from your marketing campaign. This ensures demand exists before you invest in manufacturing products.
You collect payment when customers pre-order. After reaching your minimum quantity needed for production, you manufacture the products and ship orders.
While inventory-free ecommerce provides many advantages, mistakes can sink your business quickly if you’re not careful. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:
- Relying on untrustworthy suppliers – Vet all suppliers thoroughly and order samples before selling their products. Ensure they are responsive and capable of high-quality fulfillment.
- Hidden fees eating up profit – Calculate all supplier fees, platform fees, and payment processing fees accurately so you price products to yield a sufficient profit margin.
- Poor branding and marketing – Great branding and marketing is crucial when selling products you don’t make yourself. Perfect this to establish a connection with customers.
- Overpromising on shipping – Underpromise and overdeliver on shipping times. Factor in supplier/platform handling time into estimates so customers aren’t disappointed.
- No quality control – Even if you don’t hold the inventory, implement a returns process for defective products and inspect samples periodically to catch issues.
- Low barrier to entry – Expect stiff competition selling popular products online. Differentiate yourself through stellar branding, content, and customer service.
By understanding the unique risks and challenges involved with selling online without handling fulfillment in-house, you can make strategic decisions to avoid common pitfalls.
Selling through Shopify without managing your own inventory opens the door to entrepreneurship for those lacking capital and facilities for buying, storing, and shipping stock.
Choose a model like dropshipping, print-on-demand, memberships, services, or white labeling that aligns with your business goals. Carefully vet partners and automate order fulfillment. Focus aggressively on branding, marketing, and customer experience to compete effectively.
Inventory-free ecommerce provides tremendous opportunities today. But you must lay the right groundwork and meet customer expectations to turn those opportunities into a thriving Shopify business.
Use this guide to gain clarity on the options available for selling online without handling your own fulfillment. Determine the best approach for your target customer, product types, and budget. Then leverage Shopify’s powerful ecommerce features to run your inventory-free store smoothly and efficiently.
With the right model and execution, you can launch and grow an online store on Shopify without ever touching a product yourself.
Here are some frequently asked questions about selling on Shopify without inventory:
The easiest approach is usually dropshipping. With dropshipping, you don’t have to purchase, store or ship products yourself. Instead, you find a supplier, list their products on your Shopify store, and when an order comes in, you forward it to the supplier for fulfillment. Apps like Oberlo can automate the order forwarding process.
Profitability varies widely based on your business model, product markup, marketing tactics, and more. However, inventory-free models can certainly be profitable if you run your Shopify store effectively. For instance, popular dropshipping stores generate 6-7 figure revenues. Just don’t expect instant profits – it takes consistent effort.
我应该在 Shopify 上销售什么而不持有库存?
Almost any type of product can be sold profitably on Shopify without inventory. However, some categories work especially well, like customized apparel, art prints, phone cases, specialty supplements, jewelry, and small accessories that suppliers can easily dropship. Unique or customized products also help minimize competition.
无库存 Shopify 模式有哪些风险?
The main risks include unreliable suppliers, shipping delays and errors, lack of quality control, high competition, andChargebacks. Vet all suppliers thoroughly, provide accurate shipping estimates, monitor product quality, and offer great support. Also, focus on product uniqueness and excellent branding to mitigate risks.
如何为无库存的 Shopify 销售选择最佳供应商?
When evaluating potential suppliers, order samples to verify product quality firsthand. Test their support responsiveness by asking questions. Ensure they have sufficient product selection and inventory capacity to support your scaling sales. Start small with new suppliers to assess reliability before committing bigger orders.
Success dropshipping cheap Chinese products requires finding untapped niche products, highlighting product benefits compellingly in listings, shipping only fast packet options, providing excellent customer service, automating processes, and scaling order volume to earn bulk discounts from suppliers. With the right strategy, dropshipping inexpensive products can be very profitable.
What other questions do you have about selling on Shopify without your own inventory? Let me know and I can provide additional details!